Monday, March 19, 2007

Interesting variation of the horse image

Maybe it's just because of my job as a L&D RN, but this looked like a uterus with ovaries, cervix and vagina to me!

Friday, March 9, 2007

horse variations

The follow are all variations and edits of the same image (see bottom image). The original image is of a horse and foal, and was a fireplace grill.

The first two edits are created to be background images.

Macro Images

The first two images are using a soft focus edit on PSP, and are of the same hyacinth flower. Goes to show how you can alter images to make them look like different photographs. The first picture is the original color of the hyacinth, the second one was a color saturation of a different pink shade.

Close up of the flowers on a tree at a local park - no editing done to this version of this image. I have made a black and white version, using a soft focus, and can be seen under the black and white images below, in another post.

Supreme macro of an ant on a rock. This is an untouched, unedited photo as well.